Health & Safety


Each day as children arrive at the Center, we will generally check to see that they are rested and in good health.


Children will not be permitted at Young Leaders Learning Center with any of the following:

  1. Fever of 100°F (axillary) or higher accompanied by one or more of the following:
  • Diarrhea  or vomiting
  • Severe coughing, causing the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound
  • Difficult or rapid breathing.
  • Earache
  • Yellowish skin or eyes
  • Unusually dark urine and/or grey or white stool
  • headache
  • stiff neck with elevated temperature
  • signs of irritability or confusion
  • sore throat or difficulty swallowing
  • untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashes
  • fatigue that limits participation in daily activities
  1. Vomiting on two or more occasions within the past 24 hours
  1. Diarrhea of three or more watery stools within the past 24 hours or any bloody stool
  1. For suspected communicable skin infection such as impetigo or scabies the child may return twenty-four hours after starting antibiotic treatment.
  2. Eye discharge or conjunctivitis (pinkeye) until clear or until 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
  3. Lice or Nits: until no nits are present.
  4. Open or oozing sores, unless properly covered and 24 hours has passed since starting antibiotic treatment, if antibiotic treatment is necessary.
  5. Sick appearance, not feeling well, and/or not able to keep up with program activities.


If your child has been exposed to a communicable disease, or has an illness, please let us know.  If you have questions about communicable diseases in children, contact the Butler County Department of Health at 877-774-4636.  Staff will post a notice whenever a child in their classroom contracts a contagious disease or infection and parents will be notified either electronically or through a memo.

If a child becomes ill while at Young Leaders, (i.e. vomiting, excessive diarrhea, fever, rash, lice), the family will be notified to pick the child up.  If a family member cannot be reached, a contact person on your emergency list will be called.  Our facilities permit only temporary isolation of a sick child from the group, so we expect the family or authorized adult to take the child home immediately (within 60 minutes of being contacted). If a child isn’t well they will be isolated from all of the other children during their 60 minutes prior to parent arrival in the front desk area with supervision at all times.  A cot will be provided if necessary and sanitized properly afterward.

If a child is well enough to attend the Center, it is presumed by our staff that s/he can participate in all activities, including outdoor play.


In accordance with state licensing requirements, families are required to complete a Medication Form before any medication (prescription or over-the-counter) can be given to their child.  The first dose of any new medication must be given by the family before the child may return to Young Leaders Learning Center to ensure the child doesn’t have an allergic reaction.

Prescription medications must be in the original container, be current, and have the prescription label on the container.  The family must then fill out a Medication form that indicates the kind of medicine to be given, the dosage, and the times of day to be administered.  The staff member on duty will record the times the medication was given and the dosage amount. All medications including inhalers will be kept in the locked medication cabinet behind the front desk.

Please fill out a Medication form if you want us to give your child an over-the-counter medication.  If the age-appropriate dosage is not listed on the bottle, a physician’s signature is required on the form.

Required Reporting

Communicable diseases that we are required to report to the Health Department include but are not limited to: German measles (rubella), measles (rubella), hepatitis, meningitis, mumps, salmonella, shigella, tuberculosis, whooping cough, and roseola.  We will also provide the health department with statistics on these illnesses: chicken pox, impetigo, pink eye, scarlet fever, and strep throat.

Employees of Young Leaders Learning Center are mandated by state law to document and report any cases of suspected physical, sexual, or emotional child abuse, child neglect, or child exploitation to Child Protective Services.

Accidents and Emergencies

This is the plan of action we will take in the event of a medical emergency:

  1. Administer immediate first aid using standard First Aid procedures and/or CPR.  Call an additional staff person to help as needed.
  2. Call 911 stating the nature of the emergency and the location of the Center.
  3. Call the family, guardians, or emergency contacts listed in the child’s file.
  4. Notify the Director immediately.
  5. Incident/Injury reports (#1299) will be completed and reported according to rule 5101:2-12-35.

Staff will treat injuries of a minor nature such as small cuts and bruises in the same way that an alert family member would:  with cleansing, cold packs, and/or bandages. Each classroom has basic supplies such as Band-Aids. The lead teacher will inform the parents of the injury on the daily report.  Teachers will notify the parents via telephone or email if there is a visible mark on the child.

Incident/Injury report will be completed by staff members for all accidents occurring at Young Leaders.  A copy of the report will be stored in the child’s file and a copy will be given to the family and signed when they arrive to get their child for the day. The incident/injury report will stay on file for at least one year and shall be available for review.

An incident/injury report will be completed by the staff member in charge when any of the following occur:

* An illness, injury, or accident which requires first aid (first aid kits are located at the front entrance and in the kitchen)

* A bump or blow to the head

* Emergency transporting

* An unusual or unexpected event which jeopardizes the safety of children or staff

In the event of any of death, serious injury, or an unusual or unexpected event described above, the incident should be reported by the center administrator to the licensing office within 24 hours during the week or within 48 hours if the incident occurs on a weekend or holiday. Written notification should follow the verbal information within three business days.

In the event of a “General Emergency” evacuation the children will be moved to the AAF located on the East side of the building where families will be notified with instructions as soon as the situation allows.